Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Time-out is a JOKE in our house. I have tried over and over, and have been pretty consistent with it, but I become more upset as they laugh at the thought of sitting in time-out. Is it FUN, really? Anyways, I resort to throwing toys away if they don't listen. Call me a mean mom all you want, but it is very effective, and behavior changes immediately. (The toys are really not thrown away, they are stashed in the storage room.) Anyways, the point of this post is, Adi has found the NEW and PREFECT time-out chair all on her own. In the below picture she is stuck in a stool. Her knees were really lodged in there. This is our new time-out chair. It works great, just ask Avery who thought it would be hilarious to try. She quickly found out it was not so funny.

For those of you out there who are prepared to call DCFS on me for being a mean mom, this is a JOKE. No I would not stick my child in a stool for time-out, unless she puts herself there.


Keith and Crystal said...

too funny, oh the things kids will do

Anonymous said...

I think that the stool is a great idea. i spend more time trying to keep Luke in time out. Sometimes I feel like it is not worth the fight. if he were stuck that would make it much easier. Cute picture.

Janille said...

You make me laugh! That is so funny!

Janille said...

Sorry, that was me!